Tasmina Rahman


Tasmina Rahman, practitioner of microfinance and social business joined Grameen Trust (GT) as its Managing Director on January 1, 2023. Since 1994, she has been working with Grameen Trust which has helped implementation of more than 154 Grameen Replication Programs in 43 countries and provided equity support to around 43,000 new entrepreneurs by June 30, 2023. She has the opportunity to work with Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus at different levels of Grameen Trust. Ms. Rahman has a wide range of experience on GT’s worldwide replication programs following Grameen Bank Approach (GBA).


She has participated at different workshops and training programs on various issues on Microcredit and Social Business in different countries as well as monitoring and evaluation visits to the microcredit projects run, and/or managed by GT worldwide. She serves as the member of a number of Boards in different microfinance organizations and Social Business entities in Bangladesh, China, France, Italy, Yemen and USA.


Tasmina Rahman
(Member, Grameen Capital Management Limited)